10分Chandler和Monica最后的誓言和大伙儿的祝贺是目前为止最让我感动的哎呀下班后坐在柜台里看得我好开心可是Chandler跟我一样该减减肥了哈哈~ “ I thought that it mattered w I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that u, u make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And if u’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make u feel the same way. Monica, will u marry me
能量从有序到无序信息从无序到有序有序到无序这个熵(en,tropy)增的过程看似无望的躺平却为更大更多的创造提供复杂性; 所以艺术的创作究竟是制造混乱从而与科学的理性形成张力我的长征电影还是在混乱中整理言语概念领域之间含混暧昧的线索可能两者都是如果没有发展出语音的符号就没有现在的电脑所以各种语言在未来都会有各自的功能而与一个人的个人识别无关生物化学家Albert St George的那句话Science is all about seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no-one else has thought. 科学就是看到所有人看到的但是却思考了其他人没有想到的置身迷幻的日常